Monday, August 24, 2020
Visa E-1 para comerciantes bajo tratado (import-export)
Visa E-1 para comerciantes bajo tratado (import-send out) La E-1 permite a los ciudadanos de ciertos paã ses obtener una visa de trabajo para desarrollar o dirigir en Estados Unidos un negocio de comercio (import/send out). La primera condiciã ³n de la visa es pertenecer an uno de los paã ses con los que USA tiene un acuerdo de ese tipo. Listado de pases cuyos ciudadanos o compaas pueden solicitar una visa E-1 Feed que ser de un paã s con el que Estados Unidos tiene un acuerdo de comercio que permite privilegios migratorios. Child los siguientes: AlemaniaArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBà ©lgicaBoliviaBosnia-HerzegovinaBruneiCanadChileColombiaCorea del SurCosta RicaCroaciaDinamarcaEsloveniaEspaà ±aEstoniaEtiopà a FilipinasFinlandiaFranciaGreciaHolandaHondurasIrnIrlandaIsraelItaliaJapà ³nJordaniaKosovoLetoniaLiberiaLuxemburgoMacedoniaMà ©xicoMontenegroNoruegaOmnPakistnParaguayPoloniaReino UnidoSerbiaSingapurSurinamSueciaSuizaTailandiaTaiwnTogoTurquà aYugoslavia Otros requisitos de la visa E-1 La persona o la empresa que solicita la visa tiene que tener ya un importante intercambio comercial con Estados Unidos. No sã ³lo tiene que tratarse de bienes, sino que tambiã ©n pueden ser servicios. Adems, USA debe ser la fuente o destino de ms del 50 por ciento del all out de intercambio comercial que tiene el solicitante de la visa. La relaciã ³n comercial de importaciã ³n/exportaciã ³n debe tener un valor econã ³mico sustancial. Las leyes de inmigraciã ³n no dicen exactamente cunto, pero sã que debe ser relevante. El solicitante de la visa debe tener experiencia y conocimientos de negocio suficientes para desarrollar y dirigir el negocio. Por à ºltimo, esta es una visa no inmigrante, esto quiere decir que la persona a la que se le aprueba al visa tiene que salir de Estados Unidos una vez que su visa se cancele o no se renueve. Para quines estn pensadas estas visas Para ejecutivos y gerentes de empresas. Generalmente la visa es aprobada en 4-6 semanas. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con la visa L-1 en el caso de la E-1 no es necesario demostrar haber trabajado con la empresa por dos aã ±os risks de aplicar por el visado.â Para trabajadores esenciales o especialistas. Si bien en estos casos es ms difã cil obtener la aprobaciã ³n.  Pero si se consigue los trmites child muy rpidos: un standard de semanas en la mayorã a de los casos. Visas para familiares de personas con una visa E-1 El cã ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aã ±os pueden solicitar una visa derivada. Pueden estudiar en Estados Unidos y solicitar un permiso de trabajo enviando el formulario I-765 al Servicio de Inmigraciã ³n y Ciudadanã a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s) y pagando la cuota correspondiente. Para las personas interesadas en traer a sus hijos con ellos a vivir en Estados Unidos es de interã ©s familiarizarse con los puntos bsicos del sistema educativo, risks de haber llegado ya al paã s y tener que escolarizar a los niã ±os. Adems, se podrã a solicitar la visa B para los empleados domã ©sticos del main de una E-1. Vigencia de la visa Indefinidamente mientras se pruebe el nivel sustancial de la relaciã ³n comercial entre Estados Unidos y el paã s del solicitante de la visa. En principio se otorga por dos aã ±os, que se puede extender en incrementos de otros dos aã ±os. Pero se puede renovar tantas veces como se necesite. Por regla general cuando el main de la visa E-1 viaja fuera de Estados Unidos y se vuelve an ingresar se otorga automticamente esa extensiã ³n. Pero esto no sucede con su familia que tiene visado derivado y debe pedir la extensiã ³n risks de que su visa genuine terminate. Esto es muy importante para evitar quedarse en una situaciã ³n de ilegalidad migratoria. Forma jurdica para la empresa y dnde crearla Existen 10 tipos de empresa que se pueden crear. Se puede elegir la ms conveniente. Asimismo, a la hora de crear un negocio conviene tener en cuenta asuntos como el monto de los impuestos districts y estatales y tambiã ©n el nivel de vida, es decir, cunto es el costo de la vivienda, alimentaciã ³n, seguro mã ©dico, transporte, and so forth. No tasks los estados brindan las mismas condiciones para hacer negocios siendo estos los considerados como ms master business. En Estados Unidos feed grandes diferencias geogrficas y las condiciones de vida pueden ser radicalmente distintas en un lugar o en otro, como demuestra este listado de las 10 ciudades ms caras y de las 10 ciudades ms baratas. Por lo tanto risks de elegir dã ³nde crear la empresa, es de obligaciã ³n asesorarse.â Otras opciones cuando la E-1 no es posible o conveniente La visa E-2 para inversiã ³n incluye algunos paã ses no presentes en el listado de la E-1. Es una visa parecida, pero diferente. Una de las cosas que feed que tener muy claras respecto a la E-2 es cã ³mo entender la cantidad an invertir. Si ni la E-1 ni la E-2 child opciones, estasâ 8 posibles visas para fundar una empresa en USA (startup). Adems, feed ms de 20 paã ses que permiten obtener la ciudadanã a y/o la residencia a cambio de una inversiã ³n. Las condiciones y los precios varã an.â Por à ºltimo, si se tiene un mã nimo de medio millã ³n de dã ³lares para invertir, la visa de inmigrante EB-5 es una opciã ³n. Se obtiene una green card (tarjeta de residencia) para el inversionista y su familia. Y si se choose asentarse en los Estados Unidos ya ocean temporalmente con una visa o definitivamente con una green card es muy importante conocer desde el principio temas legales, migratorios y sociales que van a hacer la vida ms fcil.  Curiosidad Los hispanos somos en la actualidad el grupo minoritario ms numeroso en los Estados Unidos.  Estas child las 10 nacionalidades de hispanos ms exitosas en Estados Unidos. Este es un artã culo informativo. No es asesorã a lawful.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Difference and Similarity in Culture Free Essays
Do you like your own way of life? Individuals regularly state â€Å"culture is an image of our nation. †I concur with this feeling, for I think culture helps the individuals finding out about outside nation to comprehend what the nation is. At that point, how has our own way of life been framed? Obviously, culture has the drawn out history, which gives the workplace to us to see how it was shaped. We will compose a custom exposition test on Distinction and Similarity in Culture or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now Today, I intend to discuss Japanese old culture by confirming the social distinction and similitude among Edo and Meiji time. Edo time, the longest period in Japanese history, was supposed to be a tempestuous period. Be that as it may, individuals in the days of yore lived emphatically and shaped their unique culture. One of them is garments. If you don't mind take a gander at figure 1. This is an image of an individual living in Edo period. We as a rule call the individuals like him samurai. They generally wore kimonos, the Japanese customary garments, with wearing two blades. It is called â€Å"Taitou†. Edo was likewise a horrendously risky period, so samurai needed to convey blades for self-protection, at whatever point they went out. Samurai’s hairdo is additionally so one of a kind. The individual in figure 1 ties his hair in a topknot. In Japan, samurai once in a while cut the topknot of the inverse ordering general as opposed to taking his head, when they win the war. Kindly glance at figure 2. This is a Japanese customary transportation, and we call it â€Å"Kago†. At the point when masters go out, they use â€Å"Kago†by making two individuals shoulder it. It was supposed to be valuable to the point that numerous individuals were eager to utilize it. Notwithstanding, it was likewise said to set aside a long effort to show up at their goals. Figure3| Figure4| Meiji time, the most dynamic time frame in Japanese history, was supposed to be the best time frame, as far as culture. Those days, the Edo shogunate was died, and the new government chose to take in Western societies as a piece of modernization arrangement. I will present some of them. To begin with, take a gander at figure 3, it would be ideal if you His garments were unique in relation to what individuals in Edo period wore. They were called â€Å"Western clothes†. In observing this style in downtown, individuals regularly said â€Å"He is Haikara†. Haikara implies chic in Japanese. ) His haircut is additionally a sort of Haikara. It was called â€Å"Zangiriatama†. From the outset, Meiji government confined the topknot, and suggested â€Å"Zangiriatama†as an elective thought, yet it got famous, unnoticed. Next, take a gander at figure 4, if you don't mind This is an image of SL. It was acquainted with Japan in the start of Meiji. From the outset, individuals thought it as a sort of â€Å"Kago†, yet they were shocked at the over the top speed, when they saw the SL work. One individual stated, â€Å"I can move so quick as though I were a swallow. †As you see, culture has its own history and it is distinctive one another. Be that as it may, every one of them are important for one nation. In the event that it were not for culture, nations couldn't have their innovation and personality. Thusly, we should esteem our own way of life. As an end, I propose that we should consistently be innovative and agreed to our own way of life, for the disposition keeps and improves it. The most effective method to refer to Difference and Similarity in Culture, Papers
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition Whats New
Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition What’s New (1) Fall is here, and so are the winds of change for the Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS)! This past September, a new edition of the CMoS was released. It tackles some new topics, while also expanding on existing citation specifications. Here is a list of the biggest changes in the 17th edition of CMoS: Titles for Websites In a departure from the 16th edition, the formatting for titles of websites can now be treated in various ways. What dictates the treatment is whether the website also has a print counterpart, such as newspaper websites. If the site has one, the title is in italics. If it does not, then it is not stylized. Title examples: The New York Times Wikipedia Forbes Buzzfeed Use of “ibid.†In previous versions of CMoS, the abbreviation “ibid†was used in footnotes to show the reader that the previous cited source is being cited immediately after. The 17th edition, however, discourages the use of “ibid†in favor of shortened citations. The footnote can instead start with the author’s last name, and include the page number. Here are some example congruent footnote citations without “ibid.â€: Steven T. Brown, Tokyo Cyberpunk: Posthumanism in Japanese Visual Culture (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 124. Brown, 11. Brown, 17. Repeating the Year in Certain Author-date Citations Chicago Manual of Style has two main sub-styles: “author-date†and “footnote-bibliography.†In an author-date reference list entry, the year may now be repeated for sources that are also identified by month and day, such as journals or websites. This, however, is optional. Examples: Germano, William. 2017. “Futurist Shock.†Lingua Franca (blog). Chronicle of Higher Education, February 15, 2017. New York Times. 2002. “In Texas, Ad Heats Up Race for Governor.†July 30, 2002.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Picture of Dorian Gray and the Victorian Era - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 738 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay Did you like this example? In July 1890, esteemed Irish author Oscar Wilde’s first and only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was published, making its first appearance to the public (Buzwell). The novel’s main character is Dorian Gray, a young gentleman who becomes in possession of a portrait that ages for him, in addition to bearing the brunt of his sins, leading him down a path of immorality and destruction. The novel sent shock waves late Victorian England with its references to topics that, during this period, very few dare speak about. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Picture of Dorian Gray and the Victorian Era" essay for you Create order In a time where strict moral codes were in place and having a good reputation was of utmost importance, The Picture of Dorian Gray put an emphasis on the pure hypocrisy that ran rampant through high Victorian society. In doing so, the novel followed the Victorian literary trend of focusing on the darker nature of mankind. While one might refer to the Victorian Era as an age of morality, it can easily be called by another name, too. The immense focus on being extremely principled and the extreme focus on reputation quickly lead to a steep increase of hypocrisy, which, to some, earns the Victorian Era the name the Age of Hypocrisy. The pressure people faced, especially those in the upper classes, caused hypocrisy to reign; people would live a double life of sorts, committing acts that their society would deem heinous, and then hide it behind a socially acceptable facade. Several of the major hypocrisies of the upper classes appear in The Picture of Dorian Gray, such as sexuality and drug use (â€Å"The Picture of Dorian Gray†). The first case of hypocrisy in The Picture of Dorian Gray involves sexuality. The Victorian Era treated sexuality as a very taboo subject. However, despite the stigma it had, it remained prevalent throughout Victorian England. The story implies that Dorian had been in a variety of inappropriate relationships. While most of these were with women, several of these relations can be implied to be with men, taking history, Dorian’s past, and Wilde himself into account. While considered extremely immoral during this time, homosexuality was widespread; the fact it was especially common in the educated class and Dorian’s rocky interactions with Alan hints at a potential relationship between the two (â€Å"The Picture of Dorian Gray†). Basil, who at the very least, holds a deep affection for Dorian, questioned him, asking â€Å"Why is your friendship so fatal to young men?†(pg 120something). Given the apparent ruin Dorian had on the lives of the women he was involved with, it is perfectly fair to infer that he had several relationships with men, too. To further back this claim, The Picture of Dorian Gray was later used as evidence to personally prosecute Wilde for â€Å"gross indec ency†, hinting further at the possibility of Dorian having relations with men (Buzwell). However, while homosexuality is now generally accepted by society, Dorian did participate in behaviors that, while common, were and still are taboo. The story quotes Dorian as â€Å"creeping at dawn out of dreadful houses and slinking in disguise into the foulest dens in London.†(pg 120something). This reveals another major hypocrisy for the Victorian Era. Prostitution was considered a major social problem during this time. Despite this, prostitution was rampant throughout the country; the number of prostitutes in solely London during 1887 was estimated to be about 80,000, making up 3% of the population of London (â€Å"The Picture of Dorian Gray†). Dorian Gray portrayed the hypocrisy of the gentleman class, as he is described as trying to save face in spite of going to places the average Victorian would consider absolutely dissolute. The second case of hypocrisy was the use of drugs. The Victorian Era was known for its drug abuse, with opium having a role as England’s drug of choice. In 1839, opium was the cause of 543 poisonings, claiming a total of 186 lives (â€Å"The Picture of Dorian Gray†). In an attempt to rid himself of the memory of murdering Basil, Dorian makes the decision of going to an opium den. The book states, â€Å"He hurried on towards the left, glancing back now and then to see if he was being followed†(pg something). Afterward, he became immediately unnerved by the fact he knew someone at the den. The fact that Dorian wished for no one to know he is in attendance of such a place speaks volumes to the Victorian desire to keep their dark desires hidden.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership Styles Richard Branson Essay - 1032 Words
Leadership Paper: Richard Branson Richard Branson has been practically a household name in the U.K. for the past 20 years and is also well respected in the business world. He is the founder of the Virgin Group, known for record labels, cellular phones, airlines, and many other business ventures. He is responsible for a $5 billion empire consisting of over 200 different companies around the world. (ICFAI, 2002) Branson is also known for his unique character and leadership styles, one who is not afraid to take risks, and believes that people are the foundation to his companys success. If I were to first characterize his leadership style I would say he is definitely a democratic leader. He truly feels that getting other peoples†¦show more content†¦He was adaptable and knowing that in order to overcome his dyslexia, he decided to always keep things as simple as possible. He prefers to talk to people one on one and asks that things be broken down to the most straightforward and basic form. He says the simple r for him to understand, the easier for him to explain to others and the clearer his vision becomes. His charismatic behavior and excellent people skills tied into this have also made him an exceptional negotiator. His extreme sense of adventure is also a behavior that he is well known for. He is not afraid of failure but also has the attitude of you dont know until you try. This has been reflected in some of his personal and business adventures that he has become famous for. In 1987 he was the first to successfully cross the Atlantic Ocean in a hot air balloon and also was the lead sponsor for the GlobalFlyer, the first aircraft to fly non-stop around the world. He created Virgin Airways and Virgin Records, and after words he sought to join the railway business which many thought was a risky adventure. Still he persevered against odds and was able to keep Virgin Trains alive in a struggling industry. His most recent risky business is a deal he made to start Virgin Galactic, offerin g to take passengers into orbital space by 2007. So Branson could definitely be considered a revolutionary out of the box thinker. He knows the value of not being afraid to leaveShow MoreRelatedRichard Branson s Leadership Style1015 Words  | 5 PagesThis reports provides information on who is Richard Branson, what type of leadership style he uses in his organisation. This will require me to read journals, case studies to be able to retain information about Richard Branson. These sources will aid me to find out about his leadership style and I will be using theories to support my work, to analyze critically on his style of managing a successful company like Virgin. Executive summary must include; subject matter, method of analysis, findingsRead MoreRichard Branson s Leadership Style1766 Words  | 8 PagesRichard Branson is the founder of the conglomerate Virgin Group. He allowed Virgin to explode after the beginnings. He started new ventures every second and incorporated almost every industry conceivable into his company. His net worth is 5.2 Billion. Today, the Virgin brand is ranked second among brands that have the greatest impact on consumer’s lives. Virgin Group includes more than 400 companies worldwide and reaps over 24 Billion in annual revenue. It is involved in almost every industryRead MoreRichard Branson s Leadership Style1387 Words  | 6 PagesRichard Branson’s leadership style Richard Branson’s leadership style is definitely that of transformational leadership. According to Robbins and Judge (2009: 453), transformational leaders are ‘leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests and who are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on followers.’ This style of leadership gives followers a vision to work towards alongside a sense of pride. This can be further described as idealized influence, inspirationalRead MoreSir Richard Branson s Leadership Styles1911 Words  | 8 Pagesimprovement in their work progress. This essay is going to discuss some of the most important characteristics and traits of Sir Richard Branson, a founder and a well known leader of the Virgin group, an international and world recognised organisation. This paper also examines Sir Richard Branson s leadership styles and how it affects the way he runs his company. Richard Branson is one of the world’s most well known businessmen; he is the founder of the Virgin Group which focuses on the growth of businessesRead MoreLeadership Style of Sir Richard Branson2305 Words  | 10 Pagesthat business would benefit from learning some management lessons from a surprisingly gifted governmental executive--Ronald Reagan. Those of us who had the good fortune of working for President Reagan witnessed firsthand the effective management style of an unusually successful chief executive. Here are 10 lessons that I learned from observing him in action. Lesson 1: Set Clear and Attainable Objectives, albeit Goals that Seem Difficult to Achieve. In early 1981, President Reagan set his sightsRead MoreThe Leadership Style of Richard Branson Contributes to the Success of the Virgin Group2109 Words  | 8 PagesOverview Virgin Group, Ltd. The Virgin Group, Ltd. is a British based venture capital organization founded by Richard Branson, incorporated in 1989. The focus of their business group is travel, entertainment, and lifestyle, and while actually incorporating as a venture capital group in the late 1980s, they had a number of activities in the 1970s. To date, Virgin has created more than 300 companies globally, employing over 50,000 people in 30 countries. In 2009, global revenues exceeded $18 billionRead MoreBransons Leadership Style1562 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Sir Richard Branson Leadership: The personal styles of leaders vary depending on the personality, and strengths of these leaders. The differences in personal styles are evident in the fact some leaders are extraverted and loud while others tend to be analytical and subdued. In several organizations in the modern society, leadership has developed to become more than position as these firms expect and seek for more. In the past two decades, Sir Richard Branson has been a common household name inRead MoreRichard Branson Essay1264 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: THE LEADERSHIP OF SIR RICHARD BRANSON The Leadership of Sir Richard Branson Name University The Leadership of Sir Richard Branson GET Cheap CUSTOM ESSAYS at Every individual expresses unique leadership traits and behaviors that define the way they interact with their followers. Few business leaders have managed to make an impact on the world like that of Sir Richard Branson. His leadership style has been analyzed by expertsRead MoreLeadership in Business Richard Branson1570 Words  | 7 PagesPERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN TUTORING â€Å"LEADERSHIP IN BUSINESS†By: Dr. Saskia J.M. Harkema MBA [pic] Richard Branson Founder of Virgin Group Made by: Bernadette Yolanda S 36010 - Pre Master Program +31647326417 March 19th 2013 †¢ Wittenborg University Apeldoorn, Netherlands 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1 Table of Contents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.....†¦. 2 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreRichard Branson Leadership1651 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Richard Branson Richard Branson was born in England in 1950. Since a little kid, he was encouraged to be independent accomplishing challenges set by his mother at short age. Branson â€Å"saw this as opportunities to overcome weaknesses and conquer a small part of the world†. He was not a good student, for he was struggling at school due to dyslexia, and ended up dropping from school at age of 16. It was the beginning of an entrepreneurial career. At that time he founded a Magazine called â€Å"Studentâ€
Exploratory essay Free Essays
There are many students that excel in reading and writing but moieties there are writing challenges that even they come upon on. And with approaching them, are their minds in the most activeness that they can be in? This begins a question of if students were to emphasize all these habits they already have, will that achieve themselves a fuller active mind with greater flexibility in their reading and writing? And is this an idea that all students should be taking an advantage of. Every year we have all these new students entering into their college lives ready to stretch their knowledge and learn all these new techniques in school. We will write a custom essay sample on Exploratory essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Taking with them, everything that have learned in high school and beginning to build more on those things. Learning how to approach all these different challenges and growing towards becoming more intellectual in their writings. But before they can begin to approach these things, they need to find where they stand in reading and writing. To know how well their abilities are and what is it that they need to begin working on so that they are ready for the bigger writing challenges that will come before them. Knowing the habits of mind is what is going to help them understand here they stand it will help them improve and position themselves for every new writing assignment they encounter. In high school these habits of mind criteria helped me understand more about where I stand in reading and writing. The habits of mind include things like curiosity and openness where you want to know more and begin to approach things in different ways. This helps me understand that in high school, curiosity and openness is what helped motivated me to seek for answers and explore new ways to find the connections and information I needed. Having engagement and creativity is what gave me that sense to build on the new things I learned and begin to approach things differently. My ability in high school with persistence and responsibility gave me a constant need to keep on trying and share my ideas with others and acted upon them. And lastly, the habits of mind include habits of flexibility and metrification. Flexibility helped me recognize different situations and helped me learn how to approach them and metrification is what helped me reflect on everything to improve on the newer things. Knowing these habits of mind criteria has helped me understand what my threaten are and what are the things I need more strength in. We all have different abilities in reading and writing and there are always certain areas that we can improve in. After learning what these habits of minds are, it has shown me that I can become a great writer and I know the places I need to improve on. I do believe that these habits are the pinpoints of becoming a great writer and if we emphasize these points, then it can only bring a bigger improvement for every student in college. It’s a foundation that can help people improve in their reading and writing skills and help them have a broaden mind. How to cite Exploratory essay, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Macolm X Essays - African-American Muslims, English-language Films
Macolm X A man was brought into this world on May 19,1925 to serve his people and help them open many doors. This man started of as a nobody and is now known to the world as being one of America's greatest Civil Rights leaders. Malcolm X Little was the 4th child born to Reverend Earl and Louise Little. He also had 3 half siblings. His dad believed in self-determination and worked for the unity of black people and tried to teach Malcolm the same way. His dad tried to raise Malcolm to be aware of his ethnic background and dignity. Violence was always sparked by white people that were trying to stop black people such as Rev. Little. (Malcolm's father) After he was born his family quite a few times before he they finally settled in Lansing, Michigan. His father became active in the University of Negro improvements Assoc. he also go involved in the Black Baptist Church. Throughout Malcolm's life he was dedicated to black people. I guess you could say that he followed in the footsteps of his father. Even though Malcolm, his brothers, sisters, and parents were all shot, burned out of their homes, harassed, and threatened they still fought for their freedom and for what they believed in. This culminated in the assassination of his father by the white people. When Malcolm was only 6 years of age his father was shot and died. Although all this happened to Malcolm throughout his life he still continued to go to school. HE graduated 8th grade with good grades, just as he thought his father would have wanted him to do. At the age of 15 Malcolm dropped out of school and began to learn the ways of the streets. He became acquainted with hoodlums, thieves, dope peddlers, and pimps. When he was twenty Malcolm was convicted of burglary, and he remained in prison till he was 27. While he was in prison he began to educated himself and he learned about and joined the Nation of Islam. He studied the teachings of Elijah Muhammad fully. In 1952 he was released a changed man. When he was released he went to Detroit and he joined the daily activity of the sect and was given instructions by Elijah Muhammad himself. After the teachings of Muhammad he changed his name to Al-Haji Malik El-Shabazz. His commitment helped build the organization nation-wide, while making him and international figure. He was interviewed for TV programs and by magazines and spoke across America at many different universities and other forums. Malcolm's power was in his words. Here is just a few of Malcolm's most powerful words. I feel like a man who had been asleep somewhat and under someone else's control. I feel what I'm saying now id for myself. Before, it was for and by guidance of another, now I think with my own mind. This means he took in all the information that people said, and used it as his own knowledge. He used to listen to what people would say and learn from what they said. Then one day he woke up and decided that he was the man in control and he has enough power to fight for what he believed in. Another great speech that Malcolm made was this one: This letter showed how he visited a country where all people were treated and that they have never heard of the word racist. He thought it was so amazing that people of all different ethnic beliefs could all eat of the same plate and drink from the same glass. His experience there was so amazing that he wanted the whole world to know how it was. Before his trip described in the letter above Malcolm was vehemently anti-white. He did not like whites and he believed that they were hell raisers and they had no more of a right to ridicule him than he does to ridicule them. He was taught as a child to hate whites so that is what he grew up believing. But after his trip to Abraham he came to see that all people were equal, regardless of their race. True anti-racism is color blindness. That's what he spoke about when
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Right to Work Laws
Right to Work Laws Introduction Debates on the rights to work laws have been intensifying each day especially now that competition in the business world is increasing drastically. The topic of rights to work laws I, therefore, very significant in many organizations in the globe. This is because the laws define the rights of all employees and offers security for contracts for employers who are members of work unions (Taubman, and Alston, 2010, p 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Right to Work Laws specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Global organizations are much concerned about these laws because they define powers of business unions whereby the right to work laws are now prohibiting the unions from taking certain measures towards the companies involved, which would result to mandatory membership of all employees as well as payments of union dues by the employees. Some people support the laws while others oppose them. However, t hese laws should be made based on their benefits to the state in question as well as its people (both employees and employers). It is therefore important for organizations to be aware of these laws to avoid exploitation of their employees by the unions as well as to learn on the benefits of joining the unions to enable them make wise decisions to the benefit of their businesses (Niznik, 2011, p 1). How unions survive in Right to Work states Since much legislation on rights to work laws is opposing work unions, the unions have developed several strategies to help them survive the opposition. For instance, many unions are now encouraging the use of new and improved technologies aimed at improving production. This move has attracted many employers to join the unions in order to benefit from the advancements in productivity technology. They are also providing other services such as coordination of labor management and improved training for employees of member employers. Through the guar anteed increase in wages, many employees are willing to join the unions despite the laws imposed on the unions. In order for unions to maintain their members in rights to work states, they are improving the units of bargaining which keeps the nonunionized employers at greater risks of competition due to the low wages they offer and also lack of job benefits to their employees. As a result, many firms choose to remain as union members despite their rights not to do so. For instance, the construction firms have more to benefit from by maintaining their membership due to better and much quality work resulting from the increased and improved training of employees (Cooper, 2004, p. 1).Advertising Looking for research paper on labor law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Similarly, fewer injuries are experienced in such companies and this attracts many such firms to join or maintain their membership in the unions. Due to the higher wages guaranteed on union members, community members are likely to have more to spend and this is beneficial to the companies and other employers in that their sales and services will increase due to the increased income of the employees which leads to subsequent increase in expenditure by society members. This encourages companies to join and maintain their membership to the unions in order to promote rise in sales. Since the rights to work laws do not limit the management powers of companies, unions in right to work states take the initiative to provide management services to members and this attracts many companies to join the unions. The unions and the member companies therefore agree on the terms and conditions of those services. This way, the unions gain benefits from the fees they obtain from the members for the services offered (Considine, 2011, p. 1). Rights for union employees and differences in collective bargaining agreement in right t work and non right to work states Union employees in both right to work and non right to work states, enjoy certain benefits. For instance, unions require their member companies to give priority to union employees when giving job opportunities. Non union employees may therefore miss a job opportunity especially where there are other union employees pursuing the same position. However, employees from non union companies (right to work laws states), gain some benefits as well. The law requires that the workers get the benefits of the company membership. All eligible employees are, therefore, entitled to representation by the unions whether they pay the union dues or not. The unions are therefore required to use their own member’s dues to pay union benefits even to those who are not willing to pay off their dues. The unions however, tend to represent collective bargaining based on arguments that everyone is entitled to freedom to speech, assembly and press. Collective bargaining gives the unions the chanc e to express their views with regard to job benefits, improvements of working conditions and better wages for member employees (Denholm, 2011, p. 1). Employees in unionized companies in the rights to work states have the right to choose either to join or refrain from joining the union. This is opposed to workers in non rights to work states where all employees of unionized workplaces are forced to join the unions or pay the union dues prior to employment. Rights to work states have laws which give employees the right to refrain from joining the unions even when their employers are members.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Right to Work Laws specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Workers also have the rights to end their membership from the union at any given time without having to pay any post union fines or facing any disciplinary measures. Therefore, in the right to work states, employees do not need to pay any union dues to get employed while in the non right to work states, employers may require, by law, the worker to pay a reduced amount of the fees to support the union (Niznik, 2011, p 1). However, in the non right to work states, the union does not require formal membership of workers despite the agreements of collective bargaining. This agreement defines the distinction between volunteer membership in a company and the payment of financial dues without having to join the union membership. The voluntary members of the union are subject to fines and other internal agreements such as discipline while financial due payers are not. These payers are not part of the union members but are members of the bargaining unit which is completely covered by the union based on the bargaining agreements including salary and other benefits such as pension payments. Despite members of the bargaining agreement being excluded from internal participation of the union, they are fairly represented as well as bearing immunity from disciplinary measures and other fines (Barro, 2011, p. 1). Differences in employees in right to work and non right to work states Although both opponents and proponents of the right to work laws have exactly opposing views and arguments on the work laws, there are actual differences experienced between the two. Employees in the non right to work states, whose unions are stronger due to lack of restrictions, enjoy some benefits that their counter parts. For instance, compensation programs for workers in case of injuries as well insurance agreements are much friendlier and generous in states that have not yet implemented the work laws. Such employees’ families especially their children are less likely to suffer from poverty and are guaranteed of living a quality standard of life compared to those in right to work states that are poorly paid leading to low income among community members and consequently poor living standards. The unions in the non rights w ork states have pushed for health insurance services from all employers including the small ones. High income rates for employees give them opportunities to educate their children something which guarantees a bright future for the children. Immortality rates are equally lower in such states compared to those which have already implemented the laws opposing the work unions. This clearly shows that workers in the non rights to work states have much better lives than their counter parts in the rights to work states (Denholm, 2011, p. 1). On the other hand, employees in anti union states are more likely to suffer intimidation by their employers because after all they have no body through which they can air their views concerning their jobs.Advertising Looking for research paper on labor law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since employers in such states are not under any pressure, they tend to pay low wages to their employees, fail to provide important services such as medical covers and do not pay much attention to working conditions their workers are exposed to. As a result, employees earn low income, they are likely not able to live a standard life as opposed to those in states where the laws have not been implemented. Similarly, unemployment rates are higher in right to work states since workers do not have guarantee for employment unlike in non right to work states where the union members are always prioritized during recruitments. Employment opportunities are therefore high in these states and as a result living standards of communities are improved. Additionally, unions may intervene between employers and workers in case any problem arises. This way, loss of jobs by union members is prevented (Taubman, and Alston, 2010, p 1). Importance of understanding the Right to Work laws It is very importa nt for both employees and employers to understand the basics of the Right to Work laws, whether they are in the Right to Work states or in the non-Right to Work states. The workers should clearly understand their rights in the unions whether they have joined the membership or they are part of the collective bargaining agreement. Proper understanding of these laws and employees rights will put them in a better position to decide whether to join the unions’ membership or not. Similarly, employers need to understand their duties as well especially their required responsibilities in regard to the unions. The employees also need to be fully informed on the benefits associated with union membership especially provision of job opportunities. Employees need to be aware of their rights involved in payments of union dues to avoid being exploited without their knowledge as it has been the case for many workers. It is also important for state governments to consider the good side of the unions before abolishing them completely so that they can be able to put into place, appropriate laws for the benefit of employees, employers as well as the unions (Cooper, 2004, p. 1). Conclusion Right to Work laws have been implemented in many countries over the years. However, many have opposed the laws and others have supported them. The opponents of the laws are supporters of the unions arguing that the existence of the unions has resulted to increased wages to its members, high living standards of the society as a whole as well as enjoyment of other benefits. However, the proponents of the law oppose the unions with exactly the opposite views on the unions as their counter parts. According to the proponents of the law, unions have led to low wages to its members, reduced job opportunities and low living standards among the union members. Most of these unions have been, for a very long time, exploiting their members by requiring them to pay mandatory union dues in order to get themselves a job. Others have forced workers to join the union membership against their will so that the union can benefit from the dues from the members. However, the Right to Work laws requires that no employee should be forced to either join the union or pay mandatory dues. The laws also give the employees the right to choose between joining the union membership and remaining as part of collective bargaining agreement which does not involve internal participation of the members in the union affairs. Reference List Barro, R. (2011). Unions vs. the Right to Work. Retrieved from, Considine, A. (2011). ‘Right to Work’: GOP aims to gut labor unions. Retrieved from, Cooper, J.W. (2004). Effects of Right to Work Laws on Employees, Unions and Businesses. Retrieved from, ws.pdf Denholm, D. (2011). There is no â€Å"Right†to Collective Bargaining. Retrieved from, Niznik, J.S. (2011). Right to Work. Retrieved from, Taubman, G. and Alston, R. (2010). Union Discipline and Employee Rights. Retrieved from,
Sunday, March 1, 2020
All About Hardie Board and Fiber Cement Siding
All About Hardie Board and Fiber Cement Siding Hardie Board is fiber cement siding manufactured by James Hardie Building Products, one of the first successful manufacturers of this material. Two of their most popular products are HardiePlank ® (horizontal lap siding, 0.312 inches thick) and HardiePanel ® (vertical siding, 0.312 inches thick). The fiber cement siding is made from Portland cement mixed with ground sand, cellulose fiber, and other additives. The product is also known as cement-fiber siding, concrete siding, and fiber cement cladding. Fiber cement siding can resemble stucco, wood clapboards, or cedar shingles (e.g., HardieShingle ® 0.25 inches thick), depending on how the panels are textured during the manufacturing process. Pulverized sand, cement, and wood pulp are mixed with water to make a slurry, which is rolled out and pressed together into sheets. The water is squeezed out, a pattern is pressed onto the surface, and the sheets are cut into boards. The product is baked in autoclaves under high-pressure steam, and then the individual boards are jostled apart, tested for strength, and painted. It may look like wood, but the boards are much heavier with properties associated more with cement than wood. The wood fiber is added to give the board flexibility so it doesnt crack. The material is more durable than most woods and stucco and resists insects and rot. It is also fire resistant, which explains its early popularity in Australia, an arid land plagued by wildfires throughout the bush. Fiber cement siding has become popular, because it requires little maintenance, will not melt, is non-combustible, and can have a natural, wood-like appearance. However, many people say it is much more difficult for a nonprofessional to install than other siding. Remember, when youre cutting it that its really cement, with the associated hardness and dust to prove it. Hardie Board should not be confused with hardboard, which is dense, pressed particleboard made from wood. Common misspellings include hardiboard, hardyboard, hardyplank, hardypanel, HardiPlank, and HardiPanel. Knowing the manufacturers name will help with accurate spelling. James Hardie Industries PLC is headquartered in Ireland. Expense Comparisons Although more expensive than vinyl, fiber cement siding is considerably less expensive than wood. Fiber cement board is generally less expensive than cedarwood, more expensive than vinyl, and less expensive than brick. It is equal or less expensive than composite siding and less expensive than synthetic stucco. As with any construction project, the materials are but one aspect of the expense. Installing fiber cement board incorrectly can be a priceless mistake. About James Hardie James Hardie Building Products has long been associated with Australia, ever since the Scottish-born son of master tanner Alexander Hardie emigrated there in the late 19th century. James Hardie became an importer of tannery chemicals and equipment until he came upon a new fire-resistant product being manufactured by the French Fibro-Ciment Co. The construction product became so popular so quickly that even the misspelled name Hardi Board became somewhat generic, like Kleenex means facial tissues and Bilco means any steel cellar doorway. HardieBoard has come to mean any fiber cement siding by any number of suppliers. The success of the fibro-cement sheeting imported by Hardie allowed him to sell his company and his own name. Hardie Fibrolite Fibrolite is synonymous with asbestos in places like New Zealand and Australia. Asbestos cement sheets became popular in the 1950s as an alternative building material to wood and brick. Hardie manufactured a cement-asbestos product in Australia beginning in the early 20th century. The James Hardie company continues to settle claims with employees and customers who have been subject to asbestos-related cancers presumably from working closely with the building product. Since 1987, Hardie products have not contained asbestos; the fiber replacement is organic wood pulp. James Hardie building products installed before 1985 may contain asbestos. Fiber Cement Building Products James Hardie Building Products is a company that specializes in fiber cement building materials and has come to dominate the market, yet other providers carry products similar to Hardie Boards. For example, allura USA bought CertainTeed Corporation and also merged its manufacturing with Maxitile in order to be competitive. American Fiber Cement Corporation (AFCC) distributes in Europe under the name Cembrit. Nichiha has a formula that uses less silica and more fly ash. Wonderboard ® by Custom Building Products is a product similar to HardieBacker, ® a cement-based underlayment. Fiber cement cladding has a history of expanding, shrinking, and cracking. James Hardie has addressed these issues with the HardieZone ® system. In the U.S. a different formula is used to make siding for homes in the north subject to freezing temperatures as opposed to siding for homes in the south, subject to hot, wet climates. Many residential contractors cannot be convinced that cement siding is even worth changing their building processes. Next Generation Concrete Cladding Architects are using Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC), a very expensive, cement-based product for commercial cladding. Popularly known by their fabricators, such as Lafarges Ductal ® and TAKTL and Envel with Ductal, UHPC is a complex recipe that includes metal fibers of steel in the mix, making the product super strong but thin and shapeable. Its durability exceeds other cement mixtures, and its not subject to some of the fiber cement hazards such as expanding and shrinking. Building on UHPC, the next generation of composite technology is DUCON ® Micro-Reinforced Concrete Systems; stronger, thinner, and even more durable for structures in an age of terrorism and weather extremes. Concrete homes have long been considered a solution to building in climates of extremes. Like most new products for the homeowner, look to what architects are using to eventually be the product of choice, as long as you can find a contractor who keeps up with the skills and necessary equipment to install it. Sources Recent Updates at, LinkedIn [accessed June 8, 2015]Frequently Asked Questions, Our Company, and Performance Durability, James Hardie Building Products Inc. [accessed June 8, 2015; February 11, 2018]Case study: James Hardie and asbestos, [accessed June 8, 2015]Australian Dictionary of Biography, [accessed February 12, 2018]
Friday, February 14, 2020
Recommendations for Market Entry in India (Gap Inc.) Essay
Recommendations for Market Entry in India (Gap Inc.) - Essay Example It is recommended that Gap Inc. take immediate advantage of this market opportunity in order to secure Indian consumer loyalty to Gap brands prior to competitor market entry; which will likely escalate with the removal of Indian import quotas. Gap Inc.'s strengthened balance sheet and debt reduction activities leading to U.S. $3 billion in cash and investments (Gap Annual Report) suggests that the company can adequately support the demands of higher logistics costs and employee compensation demands within this region. When retail companies consider additional retail expansion they are faced with a variety of options for market entry: that is, acquisitions, franchising or joint ventures. Due to the obvious drawbacks in securing local talent to effectively operate franchise facilities in the short-term, it is the recommendation that Gap Inc. consider foreign direct investment as an appropriate option for initial market entry. Direct corporate investment will accomplish two distinct objectives: First, to familiarise the firm.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Thesis On E-Government In Jordan Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 20000 words
Thesis On E-Government In Jordan - Dissertation Example E-government is the short form of electronic government, also known as the â€Å"e-gov†and has a number of other names in digital government, the online government, and even transformational government. E-government discusses the manner in which government makes use of the exchange of information and services that are pertinent with regards to the citizens, individual businesses, and other governmental agencies to name a few. E-government thus takes care of information and communications technology, which in this paper we will call as ICT. All these processes are carried out to ensure that there is improvement within the processes, efficiency is achieved, public services are better managed and delivered and there are plenty of tasks that are done in the right manner as far as processes of democratic governance are concerned. Thus to add to the same discussion, we see that the E-governments encompass a number of different models including the Government to Citizen, also known as the Government to Customer, Government to Business and lastly Government to Government. However, to coin the most significant of these activities that E-government does in the related scheme of things, we see that E-government increases efficiency between the tasks ensure there is convenience all around and there is a better accessibility factor related to the provision of basic public services. Hence the interaction between the private sector and that of the public sector is also improved as a result of the very same.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Wrights Native Son as Communist Manifesto? :: Native Son Essays
Wright's Native Son as Communist Manifesto? Was Richard Wright's Native Son a story about his views towards Capitalism and Communism ? Did Richard Wright want to show the good and bad points towards Capitalism and Communism ? Or was this novel just about how a young man went through life and how society made him. Richard Wright's Native Son shows that he used the Dalton's, Thomas's, and Jan Erlone to represent Capitalism and Communism . After reading Richard Wright's Native Son, many believe the author purposely placed the Thomas family in a small, run-down home . The book shows this right from the start . Bigger and his family had to sleep in the same room, and big rats were running around the house . This shows the Thomas family represented the lower class, a trademark of Capitalism . I could not even imagine living there, especially with that huge rat .The house must have been very dirty and disgusting by today's standards . The author wanted to show how some families live under these severe conditions. He made us see vividly how they lived with this quote . "A huge black rat squealed and leaped at Bigger's trouser-leg and snagged it in his teeth, hanging on." This showed how broke they were by showing that there were giant rats living with them and how it had no fear of them . Richard Wright did not just not just want to show the con sides to Capitalism, he also wanted to prove the Capitalism has its good sides to it also . For instance, Richard Wright purposely placed the Daltons in a spectacular house and made them very rich and famous . Another trademark of Capitalism, the upper class. The author showed how some of the Capitalist folks lived . The upper class is very wealthy and basically gets what they want . Mr. and Mrs. Dalton had it made. They had chauffeurs, a huge house, and cars . They had too much money . They were giving away things to the needy, though they were giving away useless things to the needy like Ping- Pong tables. Richard Wright wanted to show that the upper class were afraid of the blacks . Not afraid of their individual physical strength, but
Thursday, January 16, 2020
In What Way Can China’s ‘Socialist Market Economy’ Be Regarded as Successful and to What Extent Is It Not Achieving Its Promise?
Question 2: In what way can China’s ‘socialist market economy’ be regarded as successful and to what extent is it not achieving its promise? China is much more than just a mere country. It has been through many ups and downs and exciting changes in the Chinese society, from changes of dynasties to establishing a name under the ‘7 wonders of the world’ with its creation of the ‘Great Wall of China’. Its heritage and history for the past thousands of years have made China of what it is today. Hence, with Deng Xiaoping’s widely quoted phrases: â€Å"crossing the river by grouping for stones†, â€Å"Getting rich is glorious†, and â€Å"seek truth from facts, and not from ideology†, how has China develop and grown over the years? How did China attain its current economic prosperity? How did China seek the truth of its economy transition from a planned economy to a market economy over the decades? â€Å"In a planned economy, government controls and determine business ownership, profits, and resource allocation. The theory behind a planned economy is ‘communism’, which suggests that all property is shared equally by the people in a community under the direction of a strong central government. It is an economic system that involves public ownership of businesses. Rather than entrepreneurs, the government decides what products consumers will be offered and in what quantities. As the main planner, the government establishes trade polices that historically have been very restrictive in allowing foreign companies the opportunity to compete†(Stralser, 2004). China was a planned economy under Mao Zedong’s leadership as he thoughts was mainly equality, where he established nationalization of China’s economy through the control of markets by keeping it free from foreign dominations, price, and production as well as natural and human resources. He also introduced the promotion of egalitarianism and collectivism with little incentives, while individuals’ needs are not being realized. As a result, economic development in China was stagnant and there was not much of an economic progress. In the late 1930s, Oscar Lange started the idea of â€Å"Market Socialism,†an economy in which assets or methods of productions, were owned socially by the communist party or State, but which imitated the supply-demand price adjustment of the competitive market economy. Conversely, Lerner and Lange debated on the issue that the key element that is common to ‘market socialism’ is socialist (i. e. party) ownership and (managerial) control of assets. The key difference is that market-based allocation of goods and services versus centrally planned allocation of goods and services. In China, the ‘market’ element has expanded gradually since the start of the agricultural reforms in 1979 and the introduction of Urban reforms in 1984. In 1992, China publicly stated that its goal is a â€Å"socialist market economy with Chinese Characteristics. †Though China has successfully expanded the scope of the market, â€Å"socialist†(communist) control of factors remains very important. An understanding of these elements is vital to an understanding of the economic performance of China. Thus, China’s transition from a planned economy to a ‘Socialist Market Economy’ started in 1978, after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, when Deng Xiaoping recognized the need to reform its economy and political structure, as China was experiencing economic and developmental problems under Mao’s leadership. Deng Xiaoping’s thoughts were different from Mao Zedong’s, as Deng Xiaoping believed in prosperity and efficiency for China’s economy. His aim was to raise living standards and introduced the ‘Four Modernisations’; namely the Industry, Agriculture, Science and Technology and Defence, by developing ‘a market economy with Chinese Characteristics’. Moreover, he establishes a contract responsibility system in agricultural areas and revives individual businesses in urban areas to understand and satisfy individuals’ needs. Furthermore, he decentralized a substantial amount of authority in state enterprises and reform the irrational price system due to the high demand and selling in the market. The call for such a change is for the reason that China was under a very centralized planned economy system that has high speed and excessive accumulation of national income at the expense of consumption, but produces a low result and consumptions due to poor planning and economic mismanagement. It led to the excessive emphasis on grain production and the low productivity of commune systems. On the other hand, China sees the need to be modernized and strong, thus establishing what Deng Xiaoping introduces, the ‘Four Modernisations’. In particular, the Industry sector, where overemphasis is placed on heavy industry while the light industry and services are being ignored. In addition to that, the Defence sector has placed too much emphasis on their national defence and lacked efficiency. Too much attention is placed on self-reliance (Riskin, 1987; Hsu,1991). Not forgetting the acknowledgement of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mistakes in the Cultural Revolution, whereby permanent revolution, class struggle, mass movement and political unrest exist and the rejection of key theories of Maoism that has seriously damaged the Chinese economy (Wei, 2000). From the period when China was under Deng Xiaoping’s leadership till the end of 1998, China’s economic reform has gone through a transition from a planned economy to a market economy. And at present, China portray itself as a â€Å"Socialist Market Economy†or where it is called â€Å"Socialism with Chinese Characteristics†, which means that â€Å"using market forces to improve the efficiency of production while retaining a managed, predominantly state-owned economy and authoritarian control over political activity†(Dorn, 1998). Deng Xiaoping introduced both the economic and political reform program to achieve four major objectives, namely, instituting contract responsibility in agricultural areas such as the labour responsibility system that determines where a person can work legally and where it cannot; reviving individual businesses in urban areas; decentralizing a substantial amount of authority in state enterprises where the banking system has evolved little from a government department where loans are decided on the basis of provincial or national objectives and ability to repay is irrelevant to the variable cost of the capital. And lastly, reforming the pricing system, which simply means that the market rather than the government itself determines the pricing system. Cities or Provinces can and do price land to any buyer at any price. Infrastructure pricing and supply, mainly to foreign invested enterprises, is likewise determined on the basis of national or provincial or city objectives and can vary within the various enterprise. This is also applicable to the limit for some of the output of the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) that remain subjected to the central department, who are their bosses for orders and directions. As for the economic reform, Deng Xiaoping came up with three propositions that are private ownership has useful place in a socialist economy; market forces should be allowed to influence the allocation of goods and the determination of prices and material incentives should be the principal mechanism for stimulating greater productivity and efficiency, for example, having rewards to set the moods up for the workers so that they would work hard to achieve their rewards and hence, increases productivity and efficiency. According to Virmani 2005, he mentioned that â€Å"in moving from the ‘Socialist’ to the ‘Socialist Market’ Economy, China has borrowed aspects from the â€Å"Nationalist Market Economies†of developing Japan, S. Korea and Singapore. The main purpose of China’s government was to be able to economically draw closer to the advanced countries through fast growth of average income. Consequently, China developed a national consensus to maximize GDP growth. The whole nation was called together to achieve this aim. The simplicity of this purpose of growth, investment and production made China much easier to decentralize its economy structure and ensure accountability at every level including that of the private corporate sector†. Now we move on to the political reform, Deng Xiaoping wanted China to seek a sharper and decisive break from Maoism and the Soviet model; de-maoisation by abolishing class struggle and permanent proletarian revolution; to reduce the role of ideology in political and intellectual life and also reduce Party’s role in making technical and administrative decisions. Therefore, separate the Party’s ideology and administrative competence area and also not forgetting the technical and political areas. Today, China’s ‘Socialist Market Economy’ can be regarded as successful due to the â€Å"high rates of growth China has sustained for the last quarter or a century, with GDP averaging 9% per annum. China’s trade activity, including both imports and exports, has grown an average of 15% a year since 1979†(Eswar, 2004). Its achievements were from political and economic decentralization that consist of the introduction of entrepreneurial autonomy to the Chinese economy, and to the new booming of rural industries, so as to offer higher employment opportunities, income and prosperity to the local communities. With reference to the World Bank research done on fighting poverty, the overall living standards for the vast majority of the Chinese population improved as 400 million people were lifted out of poverty, while business dynamism spread across China's urban and rural areas. As a result, its transition to a market economy system gives individuals a higher share of their earnings, increasing their per capital wealth. Furthermore, Virmani also mentioned, one of China’s most significant market innovations to its socialist economy was the product market (2005). It started with agriculture output markets in 1979 where initially agriculture markets were partially liberalised in a manner similar to that used in India for sugar and other markets in the sixties. This was a ‘Dual pricing and distribution’ system in which part of the produce continued to be handed over to the government at a controlled price, while the rest could be sold freely at the market price. Many of the rules circumscribing small-scale service activities were also abolished or ignored, resulting in a boom in collectively and individually owned restaurants and shops. Labour contracting services also developed in the interior provinces to supply construction workers to urban areas. Dual pricing in industrial goods was introduced by China in 1985-86, with prices on the market channel allowed to fluctuate according to market conditions. At this point, more than half of all industrial goods were still distributed at administered prices. Product liberalisation was gradually extended to the entire manufacturing sector. It has also been selectively extended to the real estate sector and retail trade. One of the recent evidence on China’s success is seen during the Beijing Olympics that showed to the outside world its successfulness, spectacular and advancement, prosperous and modernity is like any other west countries. But there is also the more genuine and in fact improved aspect of China that raised itself up, so to speak, in the earthquake that occurred in May in Sichuan, â€Å"with heroic rescue efforts by government at all levels, the army, and people from all walks of life throughout the country. The resilience and resourcefulness of the Chinese people are the real source of optimism. With a socialist ideal and politically conscious forces to pursue it, true reform is well within China's capacity†(Lin, 2009). However, like any other communist or socialist country, to a certain extent China is not achieving its promise because in China, the single party rule is none other than the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). To paraphrase Perkins (1994), ‘All political power in China is monopolised by the Chinese Communist party, a party that is organised along Leninist lines. Power is centralised at the top and not easily challenged from below. ’ The party is a hierarchy stretching from the party general secretary at the top to the party honcho in the smallest settlement/village. The objectives, broad approach to achievement of these objectives and the parameters within which lower levels can take initiatives, is decided at the top. national to provincial level, and the Metro cities and Town & Village level. Also, with reference to Virmani 2005, in China, all land is owned and controlled by the State, however, due to the historical heritage of cooperative ownership of farmland, the controlling system is slightly different in the rural areas. In many provinces, farming households supposedly have an ownership share in village and farmland, but lose this right if they move to the urban areas to work. Similar to every other Communist country, in this case, China, the Party controlled the labour unions and therefore the terms and conditions of work. Therefore, the overall policy approach to terms & conditions of employment, work hours and wages is decided by the CCP (at an appropriate geographical level or level of government). If the CCP decides to apply different work and pay rules in a particular province, sector, industry or type of enterprise (e. g. foreign invested) from those applied to general domestic enterprises, neither the (so called) labour unions nor the employees can do anything to change it. China’s labour market is also controlled through the Hukou system that determines where a person is entitled to live and work and receive State provided social benefits. Hukou is a resident permit given by the government. It is issued on family basis where every family have a Hukou booklet that records information about the family members, name, birth date, relationship with each other, marriage status, address and your employer. In other words, its legal residence in an area entitles one to access public schooling and healthcare, housing and job opportunities and/or land for farming. Legal change of residence is possible if either a person succeeds in getting a place at a senior middle school and then at a city college by clearing competitive exams for the same, or if the state allows it, say allowing firms in a city to hire permanent workers from nearby rural areas. The Chinese government used the family register system in order to control the movement of people between urban and rural areas. Thus, with Hukou System, it limits mass migration from the land to the cities to ensure some structural stability. Also, it was an instrument of the command economy. Hence, if people move without formal CCP permission, they are in effect illegal migrants with no rights. Chinese government’s restrictions on rural-urban mobility primarily operate through the Hukou system. A worker may live legally in an urban area, without acquiring an urban hukou as a permanent resident on a long-term permit or as a contract worker. Permits for legal residence are neither easy nor cheap to come by, and illegal migration has been increasing throughout the reform period. When the special economic zones were first opened, all labour contracts were with a Chinese labour bureau that is effectively controlled by the CCP’s ‘terms and conditions’ of employment. 100% of capital assets were owned and controlled by the State, that is the CCP. The management of these assets is distributed to different levels of government, which in turn is controlled by different levels of the party. Some are controlled at the National level through the departments of the central government and their CCP bosses. Others are managed or controlled at the provincial, City and Village level. As a result, China’s political system is interlocked and intertwined with the majority of administrative heads being Party members, who still is in today’s China, controls everything. For example, China’s listing could also be solely on the Hong Kong stock exchange or even a foreign exchange. This does not convert them into private enterprises as management control remains with the same CCP boss or his nominee or appointee who represents them. In conclusion, China is trying to establish an entirely diverse conceptual economic system that is neither a traditional socialistic economic system nor a capitalistic economic system. Furthermore, it is not apparent that â€Å"Socialist Market Economy†can be said to be socialism or capitalism. In fact, Deng Xiaoping made it clear that capitalism and socialism are both non-conflicting ideas, as both of them are tools for managing China’s economy. For this reason, China would like to be at the so-called ‘middle mark’ where it is not at the extremes of the both sides but rather in the centre, with a system that makes use of the virtues of both capitalism and socialism. The changes that were brought about by the success of the transition to a ‘Socialist Market Economy’ are that its agriculture system moved from People’s Commune system to the family based ‘responsibility system’ and land has become a commodity. Market prices were from a price fixing system to a dual-price system, where the market determines 80% and the government determines the remaining 20%, so as to strengthen and institutionalized the price system in the market. The banking sector changed its allocation of funds according to the policy to dual system partially making decisions on its allocation. The marketing of goods and services have changed from central planning to allocation to the market’s allocation of goods and services. China’s relation with other countries improved from economic isolationism to a desire to be active in the worlds economy via foreign investments and allowing labour into export production and export to sustain domestic growth. As a result, the national economy showed a fast and constant growth, the overall strength of China expanded evidently, the standard of living of the people improved together with time and distinctive esults have been attained in such activities as science and technology, education, culture, health and physical culture have advanced. The people of China are happier now with such changes in their life. And not forgetting that China’s political system is still governed by the Party, Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that makes China still a capitalist country that controls and determines everything and not achievi ng its promise. References Dorn, James A. ed. 1998. China in the New Millennium: Market Reforms and Social Development. Washington D. C. Cato Institute. Hsu, Robert C. 1991. Economic Theories in China, 1979-1988. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Lange, Oscar. 1971. On The Economic Theory of Socialism. New York. : Comparative Economic Systems. Lerner, Abba, P. Economic Theory and Socialist Economy: Review of Economic Studies 1934. Lin, Chu. 2009. The Socialist Market Economy: Step Forward or Backward for China?. Science & Society, Vol. 73, No. 2, April 2009, 228-235. Perkins, Dwight. 1994. Completing China’s Move to Market. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. , No. 2, Spring 1994, pp 23-46. Prasad, Eswar. ed. 2004. China’s Growth and Integration into the World Economy: Prospects and Challenges. International Monetary Fund, Occasional Paper N 232, Washington DC. http://www. imf. org/external/pubs/ft/op/232/op232. pdf (accessed 04/05/09). Riskin, Carl. 1987. China's political economy: the quest for development since 1949. New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated. Stralser, Steven. 2004. MBA In A Day: What You Would Learn At Top-Tie. New Jersey. : Wiley & Sons, Inc. Suliman, Osman. ed. 1998. China’s Transition to a Socialist Market Economy. Westport, CT. : Quorum Books. The World Bank, â€Å"Fighting Poverty: Findings and Lessons from China’s Success,†The World Bank Research, http://econ. worldbank. org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTDEC/EXTRESEARCH/0,,c ntentMDK:20634060~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:469382,00 html (accessed 04/05/09). Virmani, Arvind. 2005. China’s Socialist Market Economy: Lessons of Success. Working Paper No. 178. December 2005. Wei, Yehua Denni. 2000. Regional Development in China: States, Globalization, and Inequality. London. : Routledge.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Geography of Crimea
Crimea is a region of the southern area of Ukraine on the Crimean Peninsula. It is located along the Black Sea and covers almost the entire area of the peninsula with the exception of the Sevastopol, a city that is currently being disputed by Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine considers Crimea to be within its jurisdiction, while Russia considers it a portion of its territory. Recent severe political and social unrest in Ukraine led to a referendum on March 16, 2014, in which the majority of Crimea’s population voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. This has caused global tension and opponents claim that the election was unconstitutional. History of Crimea Throughout its very long history, the Crimean Peninsula and present-day Crimea have been under the control of a number of different peoples. Archeological evidence shows that the peninsula was inhabited by Greek colonists in the 5th-century BCE and since then there have been many different conquests and invasions. Crimea’s modern history began in 1783 when the Russian Empire annexed the area. In February 1784 Catherine the Great created the Taurida Oblast and Simferopol became the center of the oblast later that same year. At the time of Taurida Oblast’s establishment it was divided into 7 uyezds (an administrative subdivision). In 1796 Paul I abolished the oblast and the area was divided into two uyezds. By 1799 the largest towns in the territory were Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta, Yevpatoria, Alushta, Feodosiya, and Kerch. In 1802 Crimea became part of a new Taurida Governate that included all of Crimea and a portion of mainland areas surrounding the peninsula. The Taurida Governate’s center was Simferopol. In 1853 the Crimean War began and much of Crimea’s economic and social infrastructure was badly damaged as most of the war’s large battles were fought in the area. During the war, native Crimean Tatars were forced to flee the region. The Crimean War ended in 1856. In 1917 the Russian Civil War began and control of Crimea changed around ten times as various political entities were set up on the peninsula. On October 18, 1921, the Crimean Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic was established as a part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (SFSR). Throughout the 1930s Crimea suffered from social problems as its Crimean Tatar and Greek populations were repressed by the Russian government. In addition, two large famines occurred, one from 1921-1922 and another from 1932-1933, that exacerbated the region’s problems. In the 1930s, a large amount of Slavic peoples moved into Crimea and altered the area’s demographics. Crimea was hit hard during World War II and by 1942 much of the peninsula was occupied the German Army. In 1944 troops from the Soviet Union took control of Sevastopol. During that same year, the region’s Crimean Tatar population was deported to central Asia by the Soviet government as they were accused of collaborating with Nazi occupation forces. Shortly thereafter the region’s Armenian, Bulgarian and Greek populations were also deported. On June 30, 1945, the Crimean Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic was abolished and it became the Crimean Oblast of the Russian SFSR. In 1954 control of the Crimean Oblast was transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. During this time Crimea grew into a large tourist destination for the Russian population. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Crimea became a part of Ukraine and much of the Crimean Tatar population that was deported returned. This led to tensions and protests over land rights and allocations and political representatives from the Russian community in Crimea sought to strengthen the region’s ties with the Russian government. In 1996 Ukraine’s constitution specified that Crimea would be an autonomous republic but any legislation in its government would have to work with Ukraine’s government. In 1997 Russia officially recognized Ukraine’s sovereignty over Crimea. Throughout the rest of the 1990s and into the 2000s, a controversy over Crimea remained and anti-Ukrainian demonstrations took place in 2009. In late February 2014 severe political and social unrest began in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, after Russia suspended a proposed financial aid package. On February 21, 2014, Ukraine’s president, Viktor Yanukovych agreed to accept a weakening presidency and hold new elections by the end of the year. Russia however, refused the deal and the opposition escalated their protests causing Yanukovych to flee Kyiv on February 22, 2014. An interim government was put into place but further demonstrations began to take place in Crimea. During these protests, Russian extremists took over several government buildings in Simferopol and raised the Russian flag. On March 1, 2014, Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, dispatched troops to Crimea, stating that Russia needed to protect the ethnic Russians in the region from extremists and anti-government protestors in Kyiv. By March 3rd, Russia was in control of Crimea. As a result of Crimea’s unrest, a referendum was held on March 16, 2014, to determine whether Crimea would remain a part of Ukraine or be annexed by Russia. The majority of Crimea’s voters approved secession but many opponents claim that the vote was unconstitutional and Ukraine’s interim government claimed that it would not accept the secession. Despite these claims, lawmakers in Russia approved a treaty on March 20, 2014, to annex Crimea amid international sanctions. On March 22, 2014, Russian troops began storming air bases in Crimea in an effort to force Ukrainian forces from the region. In addition, a Ukrainian warship was seized, protesters seized a Ukrainian naval base and pro-Russian activists held protests and rallies in Ukraine. By March 24, 2014, Ukrainian forces began to withdraw from Crimea. Government and People of Crimea Today, Crimea is considered a semi-autonomous region. It has been annexed by Russia and is considered a part of Russia by that country and its supporters. However, since Ukraine and many western countries deemed the March 2014 referendum to be illegal they still consider Crimea a part of Ukraine. Those in opposition say that the vote was illegal because it â€Å"violated Ukraine’s newly re-forged constitution and amounts to †¦ [an attempt]†¦by Russia to expand its borders to the Black Sea peninsula under a threat of force. At the time of this writing, Russia was moving forward with plans to annex Crimea despite Ukraine’s and international opposition. Russia’s main claim for wanting to annex Crimea is that it needs to protect the ethnic Russian citizens in the region from extremists and the interim government in Kyiv. The majority of Crimea’s population identifies themselves as ethnic Russian (58%) and over 50% of the population speaks Russian. Economics of Crimea Crimea’s economy is based mainly on tourism and agriculture. The city of Yalta is a popular destination on the Black Sea for many Russians as are Alushta, Eupatoria, Saki, Feodosia, and Sudak. The main agricultural products of Crimea are cereals, vegetables, and wine. Cattle, poultry and sheep breeding are also important and Crimea is home to a variety of natural resources like salt, porphyry, limestone, and ironstone. Geography and Climate of Crimea Crimea is located on the northern part of the Black Sea and on the western part of the Sea of Azov. It also borders Ukraine’s Kherson Oblast. Crimea occupies the land making up the Crimean Peninsula, which is separated from Ukraine by the Sivash system of shallow lagoons. Crimea’s coastline is rugged and made up of several bays and harbors. Its topography is relatively flat as most of the peninsula is made up of semiarid steppe or prairie lands. The Crimean Mountains are along its southeast coast. Crimea’s climate is temperate continental in its interior and summers are hot, while winters are cold. Its coastal regions are milder and precipitation is low throughout the region.
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